
The Social Media Sponsorship Marketplace.

fourstarzz-The Social Media Sponsorship Marketplace.

fourstarzz connects brands with celebrities and influencers to build powerful Social Media Sponsorship Campaigns.


Explore the marketplace with extensive data on each individual influencer!

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Understand the digital influence of your clients and connect easily with brands and influencers!

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Know the value of your voice in the digital world!

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fourstarzz amplifies branded social content at scale, helping brands and agents to reach millions of potential customers across the social networks.

fourstarzz Marketplace

Research, compare and find the perfect fitting  influencer or brand for your next Social Media Sponsorship Campaign! Extensive data and analytics ensure ROI optimization from the start!

Campaign Builder

Easy and quick: the fourstarzz’ Campaign Builder facilitates the creation of an effective Social Media Sponsorship campaign step-by-step: Channel Selection, Content Creation, Scheduling – ready!

Contract Creation

fourstarzz understands the contractual details of each Social Media Sponsorship campaign – automated contract creation  is part of our service!

Instant Alerts

Influencers are moving fast – fourstarzz keeps up to speed with instant alerts. Influencers get their campaign requests directly on their mobile – one-click approval included!

Digital Signatures

fourstarzz contracts are signed digitally – saving time and automating the process!  fourstarzz collects the money and pays out the money to and influencers  and or agents!

Payment Processing

fourstarzz collects fees from brands and compensates the influencers!

Auto - Fulfillment

fourstarzz’ automated service ensures timely and accurate delivery of the marketing message – the right influencer, the right channel, the right time – easy!

Real Time Analytics

fourstarzz loves data – and we know our customers do. Data, analytics, reports – we allow brands to analyze in detail results of the campaign – reach, influence and engagement level of the influencer will be shown accurately. Extensive data and analytics ensure ROI optimization from the start!

Start Your Free Trial Now

Quicker, Better Social Media Sponsorship

Whether you are a small business,  a global brand or a marketing agency - we’ve got the right plan for you.

Best for small and medium businesses, who need to manage, engage, and measure Social Media Sponsorship campaigns with a scalable, intuitive platform.
1 user
√ Unlimited marketplace access
€50 per Social Media Star on Roster
 Dashboard ROI tracking
Email Support
- 30 day free trial –
For the big brand marketers , who need to manage the complexity of multiple campaigns.
2 users
Unlimited marketplace access
 10 Social Media Stars on Roster + €50 per     additional Star
 Dashboard ROI tracking
 Email and Phone Support
Best for Marketing Agencies, who need to be able to customize the services for multiple clients and report on the results of numerous campaigns.
3 users
Unlimited marketplace access
 Unlimited Social Media Stars on Roster
 Dashboard ROI tracking
 Customized Reporting and Research
 Email and phone Support
Compare Plans Now

Talk to our team about using fourstarzz for your project.

About US

fourstarzz  is a digital marketing services provider. We connect brands and agencies with influencers and celebrities to create powerful Social Media Campaigns.

We provide an easy to use services and in-depth analytics on the marketing value of social media influencers.

Start Your Free Trial Now

Create effective Social Media endorsements on Twitter and Instagram. More Channels to come. 
